Mentoring Matters
Welcome to "Mentoring Matters" the podcast where professors Stephanie Hansen and Mary Drewnoski share their expert insights on how to excel as a mentor. Join us as we tackle the challenges of mentoring graduate students and offer actionable tips for building community, enhancing communication, and fostering a culture of learning within your team. With years of experience and hard-won wisdom, Hansen and Drewnoski will provide the guidance you need to succeed in your mentoring endeavors. Tune in to "Mentoring Matters" for valuable insights and advice on mentoring graduate students.
Mentoring Matters
Utilizing Strengths in Graduate Student Mentoring
Season 3
Episode 19
In this episode: Steph and Mary are on vacation! And nerding out about how we use the Clifton Strengths talent assessment in our graduate student mentoring. Similar to how we use Meyers Briggs Type Indicator, Strengths is another way to help us tailor the mentoring experience to get the most out of every student (in the least stressful way!)
We discussed:
- What Clifton Strengths is (and what it isn't)
- How using Clifton Strengths has increased our self-awareness, helping us understand ourselves better, so we can be more strategic about how we find energy.
- Insights we've gained from using Strengths with our students for a little over a year now.
- Using Strengths as a common vocabulary to have difficult conversations with our students about topics such as wellbeing.
- So much more! This is a good one, folks.
Steph is in the final stages of becoming a Certified Clifton Strengths Coach.
Learn more about Clifton Strengths here.
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